《大空頭》里Michael Burry的投資策略系列(二)


編者按:投資既不是科學也不是藝術——它是具有科學性的藝術,之前與大家分享了《大空頭》里Michael Burry的投資策略(一),今日繼續分享第二部分,希望Michael Burry的投資策略系列文章對讀者會有所啟發。

大空頭裡的Michael Burry是個典型的怪胎,不擅社交,一個眼睛基本瞎了,天天只研究數據,挖公司股票。


Dr. Michael Burry is the founder of Scion Capital. He was recently made famous with the general public as a character in the movie adaptation of Michael Lewis』 book. The Big Short, but even before then he was famous in investing circles for his astute investing during times like the financial crisis of 2007.


Michael Burry醫生是Scion資本的創始人。最近他因一部電影中的角色出了名,這部影片改編自Michael Lewis的書《大空頭》。其實在此之前,像在2007年這樣的金融危機時,他已經憑藉自己絕妙的投資策略在投資圈斬獲名氣。

Michael Burry is portrayed in the movie by Christian Bale. Thereal Michael Burrystarted out as a part time investor andblogger and built his reputation and AUM with great results and originalthinking.


電影中Michael Burry這個角色由Christian Bale飾演。現實生活的Michael Burry原本是一名業餘投資者、也是博主,由此開始慢慢積累名氣,並根據原創邏輯建立自己的資產管理組合,收益頗豐。

He is a physician by training and has diagnosed himself as having Asperger』s Syndrome. Burry is particularly interesting for investors in that hehas adapted value investing principles to his personality, skills andnature.


Like Charlie Munger did many years before, Burry found new ways forvalue investing to evolve beyond using the system to find 「cigar butt」 stocks.

就像Charlie Munger多年前做的一樣,Burry找到了新的價值投資的方法,而不僅僅是使用這一體系去尋找「煙蒂」股票。

Burry』s approach indicates that value investing can work for technology and otherstocks that people like Warren Buffet may invest in if circle of competenceexists and the holding period is not as long that used by someone like WarrenBuffett.


Technology changes too much to adopt the same holding period as Mungerand Buffett. What is Burry doing today? 「Michael Burry is still managing a hedge fund named Scion and is still critical of the way the financial system is being run, but now he』s more interested in water than real estate」 wrote the author of a New York magazine article who interviewed him inlate 2015.

科技革新的速度太快了,以至於我們無法像Munger和 Buffet那樣長期持有股票。Burry現在在做什麼呢?Michael Burry現在管理著一家名為Scion的對沖基金,對金融體系的運作方式還是抱著審視態度,但他現在對水業和房地產的興趣更大」,《紐約》雜誌的作者在2015年末採訪Burry后的文章中寫道。

Burry』s story demonstrates several important things. Most importantly, the power of being rational and the power of fundamental bottoms up research. It also demonstrates the huge value that permanent capital provides to a rational money manager since as Keynes once said: Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. Even as rational as Burry is, it took courage to make and to hold on to the investments that made him famous.Being right, but too early, is indistinguishable from being wrong.


1. 「My weapon of choice as a stock picker is research; it』s critical for me to understand a company』s value before laying down a dime. I really had no choice in this matter, for when I first happened upon the writings of Benjamin Graham, I felt as if I was born to play the roleof value investor.」 「Investors in the habit of overturning the most stones will find the most success.」 「The late 90s almost forced me to identify myself as a value investor, because I thought what everybody else was doing was in sane.」

「我選股票的利器就是做研究;對我來說,在了解一家公司的價值之後再去投資是很重要的。我在這件事情上十分肯定,因為當我第一次偶然看到本傑明·富蘭克林的著作時,我就認定自己天生就是價值投資者。」 「翻石頭翻得最多的投資者往往能獲得最大的成功。」 「90年代末這個時期幾乎讓我不得不視自己為一個價值投資者,因為我覺得其他人的做法簡直是瘋了。」

Burry has not completely adopted the ideas of Warren Buffett or Ben Graham and has instead developed his own approach that remains true to the fundamental bedrock ofvalue investing.


Burry』s example illustrates how it is possible to follow the value investing system and yet have your own unique style. Again, he is at his core a value investor. Burry makes clear in this set of quotes that he treats shares of stock as a partial ownership of a real business and that understanding any business requires research.


You must genuinely understand of the underlying business. A share of stock is not a piece of paper to be traded like a baseball card. The movie version of The Big Short conveys that the style of Burry has a lot more stress associated with it than a Buffett approach, but for Burry ithas worked out well financially.


2. 「All my stock picking is 100% based on the concept of a margin of safety, as introduced to the world in the book 「Security Analysis,」 which Graham co-authored with David Dodd. By now I have my own version of their techniques, but the net is that I want to protect my downside to prevent permanent loss of capital. Specific, known catalysts are notnecessary. Sheer, outrageous value is enough.」


「My firm opinion is that the best hedge is buying an appropriately safe and cheap stock.」 「It is a tenet of my investment style that, on the subject of common stock investment, maximizing the upside means first and foremost minimizing the downside.」


Burry reveals in these statements that he keeps the core value investing faith by always using a 「margin of safety」 approach. When Burry says: 「Lost dollars are simply harder to replace than gained dollars are to lose」 it is another way of saying what Warren Buffett has said many times: 「The first rule of investing is: don』t lose money;the second rule is don』t forget Rule No. 1.」 Joel Greenblatt agrees: 「Look down, not up, when making your initial investment decision.

Burry在上述言論中表明自己通過經常使用「安全邊際」這個方法來保持價值投資的核心信念。當Burry說:「要想拿回失去的錢比失去賺得的錢更難」,這其實就是沃倫·巴菲特常說的: 「投資的第一要訣是:不要丟錢;第二要訣就是記住第一要訣,」 換了一種說法而已。Joel Greenblatt對此表示贊同:「在做初始的投資決定時,要關注下跌,而不是上漲。

If you don』t lose money, most of the remaining alternatives are good ones.」 Seth Klarman writes in his book of the same name: 「A margin of safety is achieved when securities are purchased at prices sufficiently below underlying value to allow for human error, bad luck, or extreme volatility in a complex, unpredictable and rapidly changing world.」 An investor who purchases shares in a business at a price that reflects a margin of safety can make a mistake and still do well financially.

如果你沒虧錢,那麼剩下的選擇大多是不錯的。」 西斯·卡爾曼在自己的同名著作中寫道:「只有在股票購買價格充分低於內在價值,足夠應對人為失誤、不走運因素、允許複雜、不可測、快速變化情況下的極端波動時,安全邊際才存在。」 如果按反映出安全邊際的價格買入一家企業的股票,那麼即便犯了錯誤,投資者也還是能在投資上表現不錯。

When Burry refers to 「catalysts」 he is talking about the events that I wrote about in my post on Mario Gabelli, who has said: 「A catalyst may take many forms and can be an industry or company-specific event. Catalysts can be a regulatory change, industry consolidation, a repurchase of shares, a sale or spin-off of a division, or a change in management.」 Burry, Buffett,Greenblatt, Klarman, Gabelli all think about margin of safety first.It is not an optional part of value investing.

當提到 「催化劑」時,Burry也提到了我之前在寫Mario Gbelli時說過的案例:「催化劑可能有多種形態,可以是行業的,可以是跟具體某個公司有關的事情。催化劑可以是監管變化、行業聯合、股票回購、賣出或拆分公司分部、或是公司管理層變動。」 Burry, Buffett, Greenblatt, Klarman, Gabelli都會優先考慮安全邊際。這並不是價值投資的任選部分。

3. 「I try to buy shares of unpopular companies when they look like road kill, and sell them when they』ve been polished up a bit.」 「Fully a ware that wonderful businesses make wonderful investments only at wonderful prices, I will continue to seek out the bargains amid the refuse.」

「我嘗試去買那些不受歡迎的,看上去像走到了窮途末路的公司的股票,稍微漲上來一點就賣掉。」 「我十分清楚好的企業只有在價格也恰到好處時才能帶來絕妙的投資機會,我會繼續挖那些被當作垃圾股的便宜貨。」

The third bedrock value investing principle is: Mr. Market is your servant and not your master. Howard Marksmakes the same point Burry is making about the necessity of sometime being contrarian: 「It is our job as contrarians to catch falling knives, hopefully with care and skill. That』s why the concept of intrinsic value is so important. If we hold a view of value that enables us to buy when everyone else is selling – and if our view turns out to be right –that』s the route to the greatest rewards earned with the least risk….

價值投資原則的第三個基石是:你要把市場先生當作僕人,而不是你的主人。Howard Marks跟Burry有過同樣的觀點,他們認為有時候當一個逆向投資者是必要的。「作為逆向投資者,我們的工作就是抓住落下的飛刀,當然是以謹慎且有技巧的方式。」這就是為什麼內在價值的概念如此之重要。如果我們覺得是價值支撐我們在大家都賣出的時候持有——如果這個觀點是正確的——那麼這就是承擔最少的風險卻獲得最大回報的途徑……

To achieve superior investment results, your insight into value has to be superior. Thus you must learn things others don』t, see things differently or do a better job of analyzing them – ideally all three.」 Adopting the popular viewpoint will not result in market out-performance if the popular forecast is also right. Some roadkill is really roadkill, and some refuse is really refuse. Finding an out-of-favor business selling at a substantial bargain and then waiting is the name of the value investing game.It is easier to say than do.


4. 「I prefer to look at specific investments within the inefficient parts of the market.」 「The bulk of opportunities remainin undervalued, smaller, more illiquid situations that often represent average or slightly above-average businesses.」 「In essence, the stock market represents three separate categories of business. They are, adjusted for inflation, those with shrinking intrinsic value, those with approximately stable intrinsic value, and those with steadily growing intrinsic value. The preference, always,would be to buy a long-term franchise at a substantial discount from growing intrinsic value.」

「我偏向於在市場的無效領域尋找具體的投資機會。」 「絕大多數投資機會都藏在低估的、小型的、流動性更強的情況中,它們通常代表平均水平或者稍微超出平均水平的企業。」「從本質上說,股市代表著三類不同的企業。通貨膨脹調整之後,這三類分別是:內在價值縮水的企業,內在價值幾乎穩定的企業,內在價值穩步增長的企業。最優先考慮的當然是以極大的折扣價買入內在價值逐漸增長的長期特權。」

Markets are often efficient but that does not mean that they are always efficient.If you work hard at the research side of investing and are diligent Burry believes that bargains can be found. The bargains may not always be found within your circle of competence and may not be available for very long but if you are aggressive and willing to act quickly Burry believes there are big opportunities for an investor.


5, 「It is Buffett, not Graham that espouses low turnover. Graham actually set targets: 50% gain or 2 years. That actually ensures rather high turnover.」


The actual Ben Graham quote from an interview is: 「If a stock hasn』t met your objective by the end of the second calendar year from the time of purchase, sell it regardless of price.」 This statement by Graham is not consistent with Warren Buffett』s view of the world, but it is perfectly acceptable for a value investor to do as long as the holding period is not so short that it falls within the definition of speculation. Burry feels comfortable buying stocks and other assets that Buffett would avoid. Both approaches are still value investing.


6, 「Credit-default swaps remedied the problem of open-ended risk for me. If I bought acredit-default swap, my downside was defined and certain, and the upside was many multiples of it.」


Burry is describing a classic example of positive optionality that I discussed in my post on Nassim Taleb: 「Optionality is the property of asymmetric upside (preferably unlimited) with correspondingly limited downside (preferably tiny).」 If you can buy positive optionality at a bargain price that investment can be very valuable. It is of course possible to over pay for optionality.

Burry說的就是我之前在Nassim Taleb這篇文章中說過的典型的積極的期權屬性案例:「這個期權屬性是指非對稱上漲(最好是無止境的),對應有限的下跌(最好是很小的)。」如果你能夠以較低的價格買入積極的類期權,這個投資就很有價值。當然你可能需要為這種類期權支付太多。

「How do I determine the discount? I usually focus on free cash flow and enterprise value (market capitalization less cash plus debt). I will screen through large numbers of companies by looking at the enterprise value/EBITDA ratio, though the ratio I am willing to accept tends to vary with the industry and its position in the economic cycle.


If a stock passes this loose screen, I』ll then look harder to determine a more specific price and value for the company. I also invest in rare birds — asset plays and, to a lesser extent, arbitrage opportunities and companies selling at less than two-thirds of net value (net working capital less liabilities). I』ll happily mix in the types of companies favored by Warren Buffett — those with asustainable competitive advantage, as demonstrated by longstanding and stable high returns on invested capital — if they become available at good prices.」


Burry is not like Buffett in every way and not like Graham either. Burry shows how it is possible to follow the value investing system and yet have your own unique style. But he is still a value investor since he buys at a price that reflects a margin of safety, does not make Mr. Market his master and treats shares of stock as a partial ownership of a real business. Burry』s styleis opportunistic and fits with who is he is. You are not Michael Burry and neither am I. Most everyone is far better off investing in a low cost portfolio of diversified index funds.

Burry在各方面跟巴菲特和格雷厄姆都不是很像。Burry向我們展示了如何在價值投資體系里保留自己獨特的風格。但是他仍舊是一位價值投資者,因為他的買入價格體現了安全邊際,他沒有讓市場先生成為自己的主人,而是把股份當作是自己的對於一個實業的部分所有權。Burry的風格是機會主義,很適合他自己。你不是Michael Burry我也不是。對我們大多數人來說,投資成本低的多樣化指數基金是更明智的。

7. 「Volatility does not determine risk.」 「I certainly view volatility as my friend. Volatility is on sale because 99% of the institutions out there are doing their best to avoid it.」 「I will always choose the dollar bill carrying a wildly fluctuating discount rather than the dollar bill selling for a quite stable premium.」 Michael Mauboussin has a wonderful description of volatility that I like a lot.


「A lot of value investors shun concepts such as volatility, or standard deviation, as a measure of risk — and I』m sympathetic to that point of view.That said, the notion of risk is very time-dependent. For very short periods oftime, volatility is a pretty good way to think about risk. I have kids in college and I have to write a check for their tuition, so volatility is a very important concept for me. I want to minimize my volatility so I can make sure I can write that check.


Or if you go out to an options desk and say, 「Options traders, we』re taking away your measure of implied volatility,」 they would actually be very much hamstrung. But if you take a long-term point of view,which most value investors do, then that idea of volatility melts away and, in fact, volatility becomes your friend. Risk then becomes the loss of permanent capital. You can bring these under the same tent by thinking about the temporal dimension。



